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Otley Lido

The baths – as it was known at the time – was an integral part of Wharfemeadows Park when it opened in 1924. It was popular with the local community and also attracted many visitors to the town as travel became increasingly accessible through the 20th century.

Read more about the 'History of the Baths' .


The outdoor pool – as it later became known – left lasting memories. Even the cold pool and concrete changing room floors are fondly remembered!

Read more about 'Lido Memories'.


The pool closed in 1993 and now stands derelict in a popular and otherwise attractive riverside park. 

Read more about 'The Derelict Site'.


Our vision is to transform it into a – vibrant, year-round, riverside, centrepiece – community, health and wellness hub. This would include a free to access community hub comprising cafe, riverside terrace and WCs to support users of the riverside to undertake their own 'informal' activities alongside new 'formal' activities, events, community hire, etc.

Read more about the 'Redevelopment'.


We commissioned a leading sports and leisure consultancy to undertake a feasibility study and produce an outline business plan. This established the concept designs deliver a sustainable venue. In order to bring our vision to fruition we shall approach larger funding bodies and partners who share our aims. However, the next steps are further stakeholder consultations, specialist studies and developing the designs.

Read more about 'Our Journey'.

Photo courtesy of John Morgan 3.jpg





'Lie-doe' or 'Lee-doe'?


How you pronounce it, is also up to you!

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