Partners & Supporters
We believe our sustainable community owned and run venue will be a fantastic addition - a real asset to Otley and the wider area. Luckily, many in our community along with our partners and supporters agree!

Otley riverside, with its boats, park, walks and children's play area is rightly prized by the Town and those around. Bringing back the Lido would be a wonderful addition to the amenities. I welcome the Friends of Otley Lido's campaign and wish them all the best with it.
Cllr Richard Hughes (Chair, Otley Town Council)

We have engaged with politicians, councils, organisations, businesses and members of our community in order to build relationships - and secure the support - essential to progress our project. We have built considerable support across all these groups and engage regularly through community engagement events, meetings and through social media.
We are strictly apolitical but that does not mean we do not engage with politicians and councils. On the contrary. We understand the need to build partnerships with stakeholders - such as Leeds City Council, Otley Town Council and all our elected officials in the wider area - and the value of building positive relationships with our representatives in both Houses of Parliament.​