Our Journey

I applaud the work of Friends of Otley Lido. As shadow spokesperson for Housing, Communities and Local Government in the House of Lords I know our communities need health and well-being facilities like those planned by the Friends. As an Otley resident I know how important this would be to all age groups in our town.
Baroness (Judith) Blake of Leeds

Achievements to Date
Our main achievements include:
Secured widespread community, political and business support - read more about our 'Partners & Supporters'
Undertaken significant stakeholder engagement and consultation
'Feasibility Study and Outline Business Plan for the Redevelopment of Otley Lido' – we commissioned a report by leading sport and leisure consultancy FMG Consulting and Saunders Boston Architects which established and costed a feasible and viable plan to sustain a heated pool – open seasonally for six months of the year – as the centrepiece of a year-round community, health and wellness hub
Raised over £60,000 from 876 unique supporters during crowdfunding in 2021
Secured grants from over 10 organisations including Sport England, Otley Town Council, OtleyBusiness Improvement District, and Otley Chamber of Trade
Gathered a team of 'experts' offering their advice, support and work on a pro bono basis​
This provides us with a solid foundation of support and resources to undertake the next steps.

'Fundraising pool' (on the site hoarding) created by Zeppo Design
Progressing Our Journey
We are adopting a 'best practice' approach across four main areas – some concurrently, some consecutively:
Securing the continuing support of Leeds City Council and/or obtaining a 'legal interest' (e.g. expression of intent, leasehold, etc.) in the site to provide assurances and further time to develop our plans
Stakeholder consultation – feedback and input on our proposals including our concept designs, strategy, operations, etc.
Technical development of the scheme – e.g. developing the concept designs, studies, surveys, etc. – so we are in a position to apply for capital funding and planning permission
Capital funding – applications to funding organisations and seeking partners aligned with our aims
Some of these shall require us to commission professional services. We are also grateful for the support of a number of professionals who have offered us their services on a pro bono basis which shall enable us to reduce the costs. If you – or someone you know – may be able to help us then please do get in touch using the details at the bottom of the page.
Examples of the work we shall need to undertake include:​
Surveys: site, buildings, culvert and slipway; CCTV drain survey; asbestos survey; existing services search; services scan survey
Studies: flood assessments, highways, heritage impact assessment, ecological study, planning study
Site investigation works - e.g. ground investigation, assessment of site clearance, contaminants, etc.
Design development – architectural drawings, urban design, landscape design, structural engineering, sustainability, quantity surveyor,
Planning – discussions with Leeds City Council Planning Department and Environment Agency
Property lawyer – advice on securing a 'legal interest' in the site
Funding consultants – identifying funding channels, building relationships, bid writing and applying for grants
The objectives include:
Progress our concept designs into 'Architectural Concepts' and subsequently detailed designs
Assessing sustainable options for design, build and operations
Protecting bio-diversity
Flood risk and management of potential flood waters
Consider the impact on traffic and parking in the area plus develop our strategies for active and sustainable travel
Securing capital funding
Apply for planning permission
Finalise our business plan
'Best Practive' Approach
Our plan to bring the venue to fruition follows a 'best practice' approach. It is a common and well-established approach recommended by Swim England and utilised by other lidos such as Grange-over-Sands and Broomhill. It is worth noting that whilst our approach is best practice it is not without its challenges! Swim England advocate greater government funding "so communities can apply for grants to get design and feasibility studies completed – the costs of which can currently be a barrier to pools being built".
We are grateful to Future Lidos and our friends in the lido community across the nation for their invaluable advice, help and support to progress our project and look forward to continuing to engage with them.​